


You are invited to register and upload photos to Local Testimony 2024 competition.

Please try not to postpone the upload to the last minute something that might create pressure and difficulties on the system and on you.

In any stage, till the end of the competition faze, you can return and add photos to your photographer file, as long as you haven't exceeded your quota.


We will be happy to assist you in any question or difficulties through the contact us button.


Good luck,

Local Testimony editorial

Login for registered members


Personal details
First Name [Hebrew]
Last Name [Hebrew]
First Name [English] *
Last Name [English] *
Identity no. *
Street *
  House no. * 
Zip code *
City *
Email *
Password *
Re-type password *
Mobile *
Instagram username
Professional details
Freelance photographer *
Yes No
Holder of Press Pass *
Yes No
Contact person
Full Name [Hebrew]
Competition guidelines:

I have read and understand this Terms, and I accept and agree to all of its Terms and Conditions.

I agree to receive emails from Local Testimony and understand that I can unsubscribe at any time.

I read and accept competition guidelines